Alternative medicine is any healing practice, treatment, tendinitistreatment or therapy that is not accepted by conventional medicine. Another way to define alternative medicine is that it is a treatment that has not been clinically to be effective.
And alternative medicine is controversial. Richard Dawkins put is best: “There is no alternative medicine. There is medicine that works, and medicine that doesn’t work.” Many people swear that alternative medicine is a scam designed to take your money, while their opponents claim that the conventional medical system is the scam. And the argument will continue for however long the two sides disagree so strongly.
Like conventional medicine, alternative medicine is actually a huge set of disciplines and techniques. Here’s a quick list of just a few of those techniques:
acupuncture: using very thin needles on pressure points or energy centers to treat various illnesses
ayurveda: a varied collection of whole-body treatments originating in India
biofeedback: doctorisout a modern technique of observing natural body function and learning control through thought patterns
chiropractic medicine: adjusting the bones, tendons and ligaments to treat a wide variety of conditions
herbalism: the use of herbs (and sometimes other plant, fungus, and animal pieces ) to treat disease instead of artificial drugs
homeopathy: treating conditions with tiny amounts of substances which in larger doses cause the problem in the first place
hypnosis: an altered state of awareness made up of both concentration and relaxation which is guided by someone else
naturopathy: a multi-disciplinary field using natural alternatives to treat illness, lifefitnessguide often with similarities to Western medicine
yoga: a meditative and body practice focused on finding balance between the physical, mental and spiritual elements
As you can see above, alternative medicine is as broad as mainstream medicine in the variety of treatments available. Within each of these therapies, there are likewise sub-sets of therapies, differences in opinion and philosophy, Your-Health-Mart just like any other subject so varied. I would love to go into it further, but I’m trying to keep this article short and sweet.
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